Sportivate is a Lottery funded initiative that aims to get 11-25 year olds more physically active, which can involve anything from Boxercise to skateboarding to volleyball.

The programme specifically targets young people who do not currently participate in sport out of choice, or only do so for a very limited amount of time. After providing a 6-8 week block of sessions in the chosen sport, the aim is to encourage and support participants to carry on taking part in the local community.

There are several projects in Harborough that were granted funding for the 2014/15 period, and are currently being delivered up until the end of March next year. If you are aged 11-25 and would like to join in then go to the Projects Page.

The current window for applications for funding for the 2014/15 period is currently closed, however we are happy to support you in planning for applications for the next window (Application deadline December 2014; delivery period April-September 2015).

Please contact the Active Together team on 01858 828282 or for more information.

For more information regarding Sportivate please follow the link below.