Volunteering Opportunities

There are lots of great opportunities for volunteers to get involved across the district. If you are interested in any of the volunteering opportunities below please contact Activetogether@harborough.gov.uk

Inclusive Learning Disability Tennis Coaching

Two groups (Freedom support and a local disability school) meet with Market Harborough Tennis Club coach Phil for a tennis session ever Wednesday 1pm-3pm. They are always look for more volunteers to support the sessions for these wonderful people!

Care Home Twilight Games

Active Harborough visit various care and residential homes across the district bringing them the 'twilight games' activities. We are always looking for people to support us with the running of these activities for the elderly.

Walk Leader

Are you interested in becoming a walk leader in the Harborough district? We will provide you with the free resources and training to get your walking group started!

Run Leader

Are you interested in becoming a run leader in the Harborough district? We will provide you with the resources and training to get your running group started!

Not sure what you fancy right now but want to keep in the loop for future opportunities? Register your interest Here

Do you want to post your volunteering opportunity? Email the details to Activetogether@harborough.gov.uk