Location |
Day |
Time |
Walk Leader |
Lutterworth Finishes: Wycliffe rooms cafe in George Street |
Mondays |
1:30pm |
Carol Scholes |
Broughton Astley Library, Main Street, Broughton Astley |
Thursdays |
1:30pm |
Liz Bellamy |
Market Harborough Medical Centre, 67 Coventry Road, LE16 9BX |
Mondays |
10.30am |
Active Harborough Team |
Wellington Place, Harvest Road, Market Harborough (by the Davidsons Show Home) |
Tuesdays |
12:30pm |
Active Harborough Team |
Benefits of Walking
Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier.
Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier. You do not have to walk for hours. A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise.
Before you start:
- Any shoes or trainers that are comfortable, provide adequate support and do not cause blisters will do.
- If you're walking to work, you could wear your usual work clothes with a comfy pair of shoes and change shoes when you get into work.
- For long walks, you may want to take some water, healthy snacks, a spare top, sunscreen and a sun hat in a small backpack.
- If you start going for longer walks regularly, you may want to invest in a waterproof jacket and some specialist walking shoes for more challenging routes.
You can also use the Active 10 app to monitor how much you are walking.
Walk Together Leicestershire Walks
Walk together Leicestershire is a walking scheme designed to provide beginner to advanced walking groups across our district. Before attending a walk, please complete and submit the registration form below and you're then ready to join a walk. Scroll down to see the locations and times of our walks.
Harborough Walking Routes
Below are some walking routes in the district for you to follow! If you know of any more routes in the district please let us know by emailing activetogether@harborough.gov.uk
- Route 1 - Market Harborough (PDF, 397 Kb)
- Route 2 - Kibworth (PDF, 290 Kb)
- Route 3 - Union Wharf (PDF, 392 Kb)
- Route 4 - Foxton (PDF, 429 Kb)
- Route 5 - Welland Park (PDF, 301 Kb)
- Route 6 - Houghton (PDF, 326 Kb)
- Route 8 - Scraptoft (PDF, 331 Kb)
- Route 9 - Wistow (PDF, 406 Kb)
Volunteer Walk Leaders Wanted
Are you interested in becoming a walk leader in the Harborough District? We will provide you with the free resources and training to get your walking group started! Register you interest here.