Do you need support with your mental wellbeing and take control of how you feel? If you do are you looking to try something new, why not try an activity on the waterway?
Active Together Harborough have teamed up with the Rivers and Canals Trust to deliver a new project - the Waterways and Wellbeing Programme.
This is an opportunity for you to come down and enjoy the local canal and blue spaces. Why not sign up for this fully funded activity!
We usually would advise that this programme is most suitable for participants who:
- 18+
- Struggling with social isolation and /or loneliness and/or
- Struggling with mild depression and/or
- Struggling with stress and how to manage stress
- Comfortable with meeting other people and trying new activities
- Confident around water
- For paddleboard ad canoe sessions, you will need to be able to get on to the board/into the canoe with little or no support
You will not need to bring any specialist equipment just turn up in warm layers with an old pair of shoes or trainers. Dress accordingly but avoid heavy jogger type material as if this gets wet it gets heavy and is uncomfortable. For sessions on the water (such as paddleboarding and canoeing) please make sure you bring extra clothing, footwear and a towel should you splash.
Sessions will be based at Union Wharf Market Harborough
*Book your place with the referral form below*
Submit your referral or for more information, please contact Sean:
More courses on the waterways will be planned for throughout the year.
Referral Form (MS Word, 38 Kb)